The Podcast Flat is self-service only. It provides an acoustically-treated room, an audio mixer & microphones.
You will need a laptop, tablet, phone or digital recorder with USB or 3.5mm input jack to capture audio.
Session Details
- Session Minimum: 30 mins
- Session Maximum: 2 hrs
Once payment is processed you will receive a keypad code via email.
Reserve Day & Time
First time users will need to create a Skedda account.
2. PAY
Regardless of session length, costs per session are as follows:
- Flatsions: $10 USD
- Non-Flatsians: $20 USD
- Flatsians + 3rd Mic: $20 USD
- Non-Flatsians + 3rd Mic: $30 USD
Pay for Your Session
Flatsians: DO rent a Flat or a Coworking desk in Turbine Flats.
Non-Flatsians: DO NOT rent a Flat or Coworking desk at Turbine Flats
Subscribe - Flatsians ONLY
Subscribe for monthly unlimited* Podcast Flat sessions. FLATSIANS ONLY.
Cost is $35 monthly, charged via Paypal every month on the day you start the subscription. Cancel at any time.
*Reserved sessions take priority over unreserved sessions. For best use of your subscription, reserve all your sessions.
CLICK HERE for tips on using the keycode door, how to prepare for your first session, and what to do when you’re done with any session.
CLICK HERE for tutorials on using the mixer, and recording audio on a Windows or a Mac.
CLICK HERE for a Castos tutorial on how to make your podcast awesome.
Room Tutorials
*Videos can be sped up by clicking the gear to the right of the play controls and then choosing playback speed.

- Watch all the tutorials
- Have your audio recorder & power cords
- Have your keycode for the door
- Have a plan to test your equipment
- Return equipment to original settings
- Put cords away
- Clean off table
- Put used mic covers in the dirty bin
- Put trash in trash can
- Take all your belongings
- Leave the light on
- Shut the door & make sure it locks
Equipment Tutorials
*Videos can be sped up by clicking the gear to the right of the play controls and then choosing playback speed.

Located in Turbine Flats, Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: 2124 Y Street. Flat 124 – First floor, southwest corner.
Flatsians with a reservation – can access 24 hours a day.
Non-Flatsians with a reservation – can access during normal business hours, Monday through Friday, 9am to 5pm.
Session minimum is 30 minutes. Session maximum is 2 hrs.
Regardless of session length, costs per session are as follows:
- Flatsions: $10 USD
- Non-Flatsians: $20 USD
- Flatsians + 3rd Mic: $20 USD
- Non-Flatsians + 3rd Mic: $30 USD
Flatsians have the option to subscribe for monthly unlimited* Podcast Flat sessions.
Cost is $35 monthly, charged via Paypal every month on the day you start the subscription. Cancel at any time.
*Reserved sessions take priority over unreserved sessions. For best use of your subscription, reserve all your sessions.
CLICK HERE to subscribe.
Flatsians: DO rent a Flat or a Coworking desk in Turbine Flats.
Non-Flatsians: DO NOT rent a Flat or Coworking desk at Turbine Flats
The Podcast Flat is self-service only. It provides an acoustically-treated room, an audio mixer, 2 microphones & 2 headphones. A third microphone is available per session for a $10 fee.
You will need a recording device (laptop, tablet, phone or digital recorder) with a USB or 3.5mm input to capture audio.
3.5mm audio jack on a phone
The Podcast Flat is self-service. Users are encouraged to watch the tutorials about how to use the equipment and room. Direct any maintenance or equipment issues to support@turbineflats.org